Recommended Wearable Gear

When it comes to wearable gear, its mostly unnecessary, but boy is it comfortable. Take a look at some of the ‘quality of life’ wearable gear I use.

  • A hat (Amazon). Everyone has a different preference when choosing a hat. It should keep the sun off of your face and out of your eyes. For me, I prefer a boonie hat because I like the coverage (plus they look cool).
  • A quality pair of sunglasses (Amazon). I own Costa Del Mar’s and have no complaints about them. When I first purchased them I had trouble coping with spending a lot on sunglasses but now I will never own a cheap pair again. Don’t forget a sunglasses strap!
  • Crocs! (Amazon). Now that Crocs are considered fashionable, you have no excuse to not own a pair. They are the PERFECT kayak fishing shoe. They float, have drain holes, and last forever.
  • A buff (Amazon). Buffs became popular mostly because of their ‘cool’ look, however, a quality made buff will protect your face from the sun and wind.
  • Dry Gear (Amazon). If you prefer to stay dry or if you’re venturing out when the weather is less than desirable, quality dry gear is a must. Frogg Toggs is a reliable and budget-friendly brand.
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